International Furniture Removal Guide

Posted on: 28 February 2022

Relocating to a new country can be pretty challenging. It is especially so since you do not have a clue about how to move your household items. Well, if you are in this predicament, read this extract for some valuable tips on international furniture removals. 

Understand The Custom Laws

Each country has unique laws on what people can bring into the country. Assess these laws to establish the legality of your items and how to prepare your items for the move. For instance, you could be prohibited from taking furniture made with specific types of wood or leather. Besides, you could be required to conduct pest treatment on your furniture to ensure you do not take any pests to the other country. Certain types of jewellery, personal effects, art and cutlery could also be prohibited. Understanding these regulations goes a long way in preventing legal problems such as penalties and prosecution as you relocate. 

Work With An International Removalist

An international removalist goes a long way in helping ease your move. The professional will: 

  • Assess your items to determine a suitable mode of transportation. For instance, they could transport delicate items such as art and antiques via air and bulky furniture, your sports bike or ATV via sea.
  • Determine appropriate methods to pack and wrap your items to prevent damage during shipping. For instance, they could place furniture in wooden crates and wrap it in styrofoam to ensure it arrives in one piece.
  • Develop cost-saving alternatives to reduce the moving charges. For example, they could advise you to sell items that attract high taxes in the other country.
  • Provide removals insurance coverage to compensate you if your furniture and electronics get damaged during the move.
  • Create a removals timetable to ensure you understand how long it will take to receive your items in your new residence.
  • Assemble furniture and arrange your items in the new home. 

When hiring an international removalist, conduct due diligence to ensure they have the expertise, licencing and permits needed to ship your items. Customer reviews and local furniture removal associations can provide essential details regarding the removalist's capabilities and work ethic. Finally, ensure that the removalist is reasonably priced. 

Consider Decluttering

You do not need to move with every single item in your household. Decluttering will significantly reduce the moving costs. For example, you could dispose of worn-out clothing and damaged electronics. Besides, you could donate items that you will not need at the new residence. 

When preparing for international furniture removals, understand custom laws, work with an international removalist and declutter your household. 
