Four tips for a stress-free move with seniors

Posted on: 19 February 2016

Moving house can be a hectic time; however, seniors can find this upheaval particularly challenging both emotionally and physically. If you have elderly parents or relatives who you are helping to move house, check out these helpful tips for keeping the move stress-free.

Declutter before packing

After living in one home for years, even decades, many seniors have accumulated a large number of possessions, paperwork and general clutter. Rather than packing all that chaos and clutter into boxes for their new home, many seniors find it a cleansing process to declutter prior to packing. This way, they are able to prepare emotionally for the move, and choose only the items that they truly need and want to take with them. Decluttering can help many seniors feel like the move is an opportunity for a fresh start, which is particularly helpful if they're relocating from the family home to a granny flat or assisted living situation.

Hire a removalist

Lifting heavy boxes and awkward furniture is hard work that's better left to the professionals. Hiring a removalist like Melbourne Cheap Suburb Removal when moving with seniors will take much of the stress out of the situation, and allow them to relax knowing that their possessions are in the hands of careful professionals. Don't be afraid to shop around and negotiate the best price when hiring a removalist company, and inform them ahead of time that the elderly clients should be encouraged to leave any heavy lifting up to the professionals.

Meal plan

It's easy to lose track of meal times when you're busy packing, cleaning and moving house. In order to keep energy up and maintain good nutrition, it's important to ensure seniors eat regular, wholesome meals—particularly if they are taking medications or suffer from age-related conditions such as diabetes. Meal planning is a great way to take the stress out of eating while moving house. Create a list of nourishing meals with your elderly parents or relatives that can be prepared quickly or cooked in advance, so that at the end of a busy day they can have a meal on the table without the hassle.

Keep medications handy

If your elderly parents or relatives are on regular medications, it is vital that they have easy access to these medications during the moving process. Collect and label all medications before you begin packing, and keep them in a safe place: in a handbag, refrigerator, or with other valuables that are unlikely to be misplaced. This simple precaution will keep your elderly parents or relatives healthy while moving and prevent any unnecessary stress that may arise from misplacing medications.

With a little preparation and professional help, you can ensure that your elderly parents or relatives move home without any added stress or concern. 
